Illumination Journal of Social Sciences
A place for the illumination student community to share their research, collaborate with peers, and get the support they need to advance their careers. We at Illumination, intend to encourage and empower students to do their best work, advance in the field of social sciences, and make a better world for all.
Perceived Stress and Academic Life Satisfaction among Male and Female Students Post Lockdown
Illumination Journal of Social Sciences
Review, 2023, Vol. 1, 1-5
Available online 26 May 2023

Neil Joshi
Illumination, Pune
The aim of this study was to assess the difference between Male and Female Bachelor students on Perceived Stress and Academic Life Satisfaction post-lockdown. Through purposive sampling, the data of bachelor male and female students (n=102) was collected for the age group of 18 to 22 from India. The tools used in this research were the Perceived Stress Scale (Bedewy D & Gabriel A, 2015) and Academic Life Satisfaction Scale (Dr. P.K. Sudheesh Kumar and Dileep. P, 2005). Results suggested that there was no difference amongst the males and females on the Perceived Stress Scale (t=0.570) and Academic Life Satisfaction Scale (t=0.69).
Keywords: Perceived Stress, Academic Life Satisfaction, Coronavirus, and Lockdown
Influence of Diet on Depression and Psychological Well-being
Illumination Journal of Social Sciences
Review, 2023, Vol. 1, 5-10
Available online 25 July 2023

Prachi Joglekar
Illumination, Pune
The aim of this study was to assess the influence of a healthy diet on depression and well-being. With the help of purposive sampling, the data of individuals (n=62) was collected. These individuals belonged to the age group of 16 to 24. The tools used in this research were Beck’s Depression Inventory, Ryff’s Psychological Well-being Scales, and a personalized Diet Checklist which included a few basic questions related to the individual’s diet and eating patterns. It was observed that those having a healthy diet scored high on overall well-being and low on depression.
Keywords: Healthy diet, depression, psychological well-being